Sunday, May 24, 2009


We have been enjoying the warm weather. Oli has started crawling. He does the army crawl version, but he gets to where he wants to go. I am done teaching in 2 weeks...Yahoo, I am so excited for summer to begin. Brad got a new job at Westminster as the Assistant Chief. He will do such a great job. We are loving our little family and can't believe how fast Oliver is growing up. Speaking of growing up, Oli's hair is also growing up. His hair is sticking straight up. It is hillarious. I don't know why everything is underlined, but it is.

I wish he would eat his food as well as he eats dirt.

My babes. Love them both so much!

Oli and I chilling at the skills park in Park City.

I hit my first drop this weekend. I don't know who is more excited me or Brad.

Classic Oli pose.

Brad getting sickter on the Riverdale wave. Brad just informed me that this is a "back stab". If you want to know any other Kayak moves Brad will gladly show you with his phone.

Oli is ready to rock. We can't wait for him to go on weekend Payette trips with his dad and awesome uncles.

1 comment:

steph heartjustin said...

I love all the pictures.. But tiff hands down you got some serious air.. I love it! I know that you are trying to decide about whistler but please come! For me.. We should hang out this weekend.. I miss you and congrats on another year of teaching! Hooray to summer!