Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Are You a Bumble Bee?

Clarification: Brad was not a bumblebee for Halloween, he was Odlaw. We were the Waldo family. Oliver was Woof, Waldo's dog, I was Waldo, Stevie was Waldo Jr., and Brad was Waldo's evil cousin? Odlaw (Waldo backwards).
Oliver loves the Waldo books, and could look at them for hours. I love homemade costumes and thought Oli's Woof costume was adorable.
My sister, Jamie, was in town because her and my brother, Trevor, ran the Halloween half marathon. We started off the Halloween celebrations at my parents house on Saturday. The Kidos had a blast playing all of the Halloween games.
I have always loved Halloween, but in recent years, it has always been a let down, because my expectations are always so high. This year, Halloween exeeded my expectations. We went trick or treating with Oliver and his buddies. Oliver was the ring leader, of course, and was running from house to house asking for candy. It is so fun to re-live your life through your kids. How cool is trick or treating?

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